Expectations for being a Volunteer ECofOC Coach
- Meet each client at least monthly by zoom or in person
- Ensure client understands roles, responsibilities, expectations for client and for coach, and has read and signed agreement
- Set relationship boundaries
- Determine preferred communication method
- Maintain confidentiality
- Model professional behavior, integrity and ethics
- Advocate, and if appropriate, network on behalf of ECofOC
- Share your own knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned as appropriate
- Ask questions that empower client to find solution
- Be constructive and supportive with feedback
- Celebrate progress
- We hold 10 Coach’s training meetings per year, on the second Monday of each month from 11:30am – 1:30pm; coaches are expected to attend
- Read the ECofOC Disclosure statement
Important Considerations – Ask yourself…
- Do I have time to be an ECofOC Coach?
Being a coach requires an investment of your time, energy and focus. It requires regular meetings and check-ins with coaching client over an agreed upon period of time. Typical engagements average two years, and in some cases, longer. While the length of the engagement is negotiated between you and your client, you must be willing to commit time on a regular basis. It is important to consider your existing professional and personal demands prior to entering a coaching relationship. Can I commit to taking additional training to stay current and enhance my skills?
In addition to attending the monthly coaches meetings, you are encouraged to assist and engage in the activities that support ECofOC.
- Temperament
With a curious mindset, can I listen actively to a client’s statements in order to determine the full meaning of what is being communicated? Can I provide a safe environment and keep in confidence the opinions, challenges and aspirations of the client? Do I have a flexible communication style so I can adapt to that of the client? With patience, and when needed, can I provide advice that may or not be accepted by the client?
- Boundaries
Am I able to establish appropriate boundaries around availability, expectations, area of expertise, topics I am willing to explore, and the amount of time I am willing to invest?
Apply To Become a
Volunteer Coach
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